

AHMSG-Herald: Official Newsletter of the African Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group

Year Published: 2023

Authors: AHMSG Group

Helicobacter pylori Infection: Antibiotic Resistance and Solutions for Effective Management in Africa

Year Published: 2023

Authors: Mashiko Setshedi and Stella I. Smith

Helicobacter pylori infection

Year Published: 2023

The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2022

Year Published: 2022

Author: Victor

ISBN: 43234-34tgvs-dvf

World Gastroenterology Organisation

Year Published: Dec. 2021

Helicobacter pylori Infection in Africa: Update of the Current Situation and Challenges

Year Published: 2021

Author: Smith S.I. Ajayi A. Jolaiya T. Onyekwere C. Setshedi M. Schulz C. Otegbayo J.A. Ndip R. Dieye Y. Alboraie M. Ally R. Gunturu R. Hyasinta J. Ugiagbe R. Ndububa D. Arigbabu A. on behalf of the African Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group